Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh ChRiStMaS tReE!!

This is Corey and I's first Christmas Tree!! Shocking I know since we moved into our house Christmas Eve last year, however this is our first and REAL Christmas tree. Growing up I had a fake tree, but Corey grew up having real fresh tree's so therefore we have a real tree! I am not going to lie at first i was really nervous about getting a real tree because my luck the poor little guy would die right before Christmas. I am proud to say that we have almost had our tree for a month and there is no sign of it dying any time soon :). The funnest part of the whole tree is that we went with Corey's parents and cut it down ourselves, my first time ever!! We drove up Spanish Canyon at a sight called Dairy.....something ahah i don't remember the name to get our tree's. Our tree stands about 6 ft. tall maybe just a little over 6 ft. Mom and Papa's tree that they cut down stands a little shorter at 16 ft. Yup that is right they cut a 16 foot tree down! The thing is freaking huge a BeAsT, literally! I have never seen a bigger tree besides the huge tree in New York! It was quite the adventure trying to cut this little tree down for mom and papa! But with good stradegy and planning Corey and Kent were able to get it down, no sweat.......
Our little tree all decorated! It is obviously cutter when all the lights are out! :)

Papa and his tree cutter pose! Love him!

Me and Core with our tree


"How the heck do we cut this thing?"

Corey cutting our tree!

1 comment:

  1. They have 16 ft ceilings? Seriously HUGE. HOw fun though!! I grew up with a real tree and now I have a fake one. I cant bring myself to buy an $80 tree every year.
